
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:57:23

Yeah, we''re still working on the specifics on this guy. For those of you who made it to BlizzCon you saw some of the ideas that are in the works but things have changed a bit since then. The Science Vessel abilities are great but we are trying to provide new strategies as well. We''ll have to see what happens with the specifics on the Nomad as we continue to test. The Nomad is starting to feel pretty different from the Sci-Vessel since his abilities are based around constructing things and those things can be destroyed. EMP is in the current build of the game. Irradiate is not, nor is the old style D-Matrix. 关于Nomad游牧者 游牧者尚属修改阶段。有些人去过暴雪展看过那次的游牧者,不过我们在上次的基础之上还是做了一部分调整。科学船的技能目前看来还不错,于此同时我们也打算加入一些新的策略技术。我们还在不断测试看哪种技能在游牧者的身上能展现得最完整。基于其自身建筑的可毁灭性今日的游牧者于往日的科技船已有了翻天覆地的变化。 EMP仍存在现在的游戏之中,不过辐射与旧版本的防御矩阵已被去掉。 以下是引用片段: Irradiate isn''t gone, it''s just "Not in right now." Those are very different places to be. I can''t tell you how many times EMP